Bacterial monitoring results for Saldanha Bay and Langebaan Lagoon
Monitoring of bacterial indicators (faecal coliforms and e.coli) to assess the effectiveness of adopted measures, is performed at specified sites on a bi-monthly basis.
Why the SBWQFT is testing for entero streptococci. Read the full article here
Water Quality Guidelines - Recreational Use
After we received enquiries as to what the limits are for water quality as it relates to recreational use, we have decided to upload the relevant document for your perusal. As the file is quite large we only provide a link to download the file.
Download here:
South African Water Quality Guidelines for Coastal Marine Waters – Volume 1:
Natural Environment and Mariculture UseRecreational Use
This is a draft copy dated 2019. As the PDF file is quite large we only provide a link to download the file.
Download here:
Current bacteriological indicators
Read the correspondence between DAFF and SBWQFT (Barry Clark) regarding our current bacteriological indicators for the bacterial monitoring plan. Barry’s explanation to why the SBWQFT is testing for entero streptococci.
Read the full report here: Current Microbiological Monitoring
Water Quality Decision Support Tool
There is a recommended Water Quality Decision Support Tool from the National OCIMS.
Click to go to the OCIMS website for more information