Bacterial monitoring results for Saldanha Bay and Langebaan Lagoon, samples taken on 14 February 2018, received on 7 March 2018 from SABS.
Analyses indicate very high levels of bacterial activity in the northern section of the catchment at Hoedjies Bay, Caravan Park and Bok River monitoring points.
The water is not fit for use at the mentioned Saldanha sites.
It is recommended that Saldanha Bay Municipality act accordingly and warn full contact recreation users of the bay to stay away from the mentioned sites. The origin of the pollution is a malfunction at the Saldanha Waste Water Works which flows into the Bokriver.
The count are very low in the rest of the catchment, results indicate that the Bay’s water fit for use in the southern sections of the bay from a bacterial pollution perspective.
Water level still critical.
Please take care with your water usage, we are in a critical situation at this stage.
Download “2018-02-14 F0176” 2018-02-14-F0176.pdf – 142.74 KB