Minister Bredell – Adoption of the Western Cape Provincial Coastal Management Programme 2022-2027. The Department is pleased to share with you the release of the full document here.
8759-Gaz-19-May-2023_Adoption NoticeCoastal-Management-Programme-Infographic English version.
Coastal Management Programme Infographic Afrikaans version”
Coastal Management Programme infographic Xhosa version
Gazette notice: ENG, AFR, and isiXhosa info graphs.
Mellisa Naiker
Control Environmental Officer
Directorate: Biodiversity and Coastal Management
Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
Western Cape Government
4th Floor, Leeusig, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, 8000
Tel: +27 (0)21 483 2885
Cell: +27 (0)60 984 5004
Website: http://www.westerncape.gov.za/eadp