Transnet Port Terminals (TPT), an Operating Division of Transnet SOC Limited, intends to expand the manganese handling facility at the Multipurpose Terminal (MPT), Port of Saldanha, in the Western Cape (the project).
The MPT handles cargo for import and export using a variety of modalities, including road, rail and quayside loading / discharge equipment. The MPT currently has capacity to store 90 000 tonnes of manganese ore in two warehouses. TPT proposes to store a further 360 000 tonnes of manganese ore at the MPT, increasing the storage capacity to 450 000 tonnes and annual throughout to 8 million tonnes. Additional manganese will initially be stored in an open stockpile prior to the construction of an additional storage warehouse for this purpose.
The National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 (NEMA), and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations, 2014 (promulgated in terms of NEMA) warrant that listed activities require Environmental Authorisation (EA). A Scoping and Environmental Impact Reporting (S&EIR, also referred to as an EIA) process is required to support an application for EA. In addition to an EA, the project will also require an Atmospheric Emission Licence in terms of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004 (NEM:AQA).
SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd (SRK) has been appointed by TPT to undertake the S&EIR process required in terms of the NEMA, the EIA Regulations, 2014.
The Scoping Report is available for public review and comment electronically on the SRK website via the following link: https://www.srk.com/en/public-documents/tpt-saldanha-multi-purpose-terminal-expansion-of-manganese-handling-facility. An executive summary is attached for your information.
Stakeholders are invited to submit comments and/or register on the project database. Submissions from stakeholders must include their name, contact details (specifying the preferred method of notification, e.g. e- mail), and an indication of any direct business, financial, personal, or other interest which they have in the application. Submissions must be submitted via the following online form (https://forms.office.com/r/B5cn7WdqU1 ) or forwarded to the contact person below, by 24 January 2022.
A public open day will be held on 18 January 2022 between 14:00 and 18:00. Please register your interest in attending the public open day by completing the online form via the above link or contacting the SRK contact person below. Please note that the open day will not include a formal presentation and stakeholders are invited to come to the open day any time between 14:00 and 18:00. Strict COVID-19 protocols will be implemented, and no access will be allowed without a mask. Should COVID-19 restrictions increase, SRK may be required to cancel the public open day at short notice. In this event, SRK will notify the registered stakeholders via email.
Note that only registered stakeholders will be notified of future opportunities to provide comment on relevant documentation.
By registering as an Interested and Affected Party, you consent to your personal data (including contact details) being processed and selectively disclosed (e.g. in the event on an appeal), in fulfilment of the requirements of the EIA Regulations, 2014 and the National Appeal Regulations, 2014. SRK undertakes to process data in accordance with our Protection of Personal Information Policy.
For further information please contact Kelly Armstrong at SRK Consulting: Tel: (021) 659 3060, Fax: (021) 685 7105, or Email: .
We look forward to your input and response to the document.
Kind regards,
Kelly Armstrong BSocSc (Hons) Environmental Science
Environmental Consultant
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