Please be advised that the comment period for the review of the Draft Basic Assessment Report for the proposed Development of A Fender Maintenance Workshop and Storage Area in the Port of Saldanha has been extended from 17th of April 2023 to 25th of April 2023.
This extension has been considered to ensure that the pre-application requirements as required by the Competent Authority are adequately addressed.
You are once again reminded to review and provide comments on the Draft Basic Assessment Report. Hardcopy reports are still available for your review and have been placed at the following Libraries:
- Saldanha Bay Library, located at Berg Street, opposite the Saldanha Bay Taxi Rank. The report is available for review Monday to Friday between 09:00 to 16:00 hrs. (excluding public holidays)
- Vredenburg Public Library, located at 2 Akademie Street, Louwville, Vredenburg. The report is available for review Monday to Friday between 09:00 to 16:00 hrs. (excluding public holidays)
- Langebaan Public Library, located at Corner Oostewal & Bree Street, Langebaan. The report is available for review Monday to Friday between 09:00 to 16:00 hrs. (excluding public holidays)
GA Environment (Pty) Ltd has been appointed by Transnet National Ports Authority as an independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner to undertake a Basic Assessment Process for the proposed Development of A Fender Maintenance Workshop and Storage Area in the Port of Saldanha, Western Cape Province. GA Environment would like to inform you that a Draft Basic Assessment Report for the project has been compiled and is available for your review.
Kindly contact us should you have any questions or comments regarding the above-mentioned project. We look forward to your further participation in the project.
Kind regards,
Nyaladzi Nleya
Senior Environmental Assessment Practitioner
+27 78 329 7918
From: Nyaladzi Nleya
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2023 5:08 PM