Notice of Public Participation Process
You are hereby notified that the Draft Environmental Management Framework (Draft EMF) for the Greater Saldanha Area, developed in terms of Chapter 5, Section 24 (2) (b) (c) and (3) of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) (NEMA), is available for comment.
The Draft EMF will be placed in the public domain for review and comment from 15 January 2021 until 15 February 2021. Electronic copies of the document will be available on the Department’s website at http://eadp.westerncape.gov.za/. Hard copies of the Draft EMF will also be made available at the following locations:
Location | Address |
Vredenburg Public Library | 2 Academic Street, Vredenburg |
Saldanha Public Library | Municipal Building, Berg Street, Saldanha |
Paternoster Public Library | St Augustine’s Way, Paternoster |
Hopefield Public Library | Oak Street, Hopefield |
St Helena Bay Public Library | 2 Albertros, St Helena Bay |
Laingville Public Library | Strand Str, St Helena Bay |
Langebaan Public Library | c/o Oostewal & Bree Streets, Langebaan |
Velddrif Public Library | Voortrekker Road, Velddrif |
Comments on or queries regarding the Draft EMF must be directed to the Department as indicated below. Comments must reach the Department by no later than 15 February 2021.
Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
Contact Persons: Liza Petersen / Vuyani Zuma
Address: Private Bag X9186, Cape Town, 8000
Tel: (021) 483 4247 / (021) 483 2790
Email: /
Kennisgewing van Openbare Deelnameproses
U word hiermee in kennis gestel dat die Konsep Omgewingsbestuursraamwerk (Konsep OBR) vir die Groter Saldanha streek, ontwikkel ingevolge Hoofstuk 5, Artikels 24 (2) (b) (c) en (3) van die Wet op Nasionale Omgewingsbestuur, 1998 (Wet Nr. 107 van 1998) (WNOB), beskikbaar is vir kommentaar.
Die Konsep OBR sal vanaf 15 Januarie 2021 tot 15 Februarie 2021 in die publieke domein beskikbaar wees vir hersiening en kommentaar. Elektroniese afskrifte van die dokument sal beskikbaar wees op die Departement se webtuiste by http://eadp.westerncape.gov.za/. Harde kopieë van die Konsep OBR sal ook by die volgende lokale beskikbaar gemaak word:
Lokaal | Adres |
Vredenburg Openbare Biblioteek | Akademie Straat 2, Vredenburg |
Saldanha Openbare Biblioteek | Munisipale Gebou, Bergstraat, Saldanha |
Paternoster Openbare Biblioteek | St. Augustine-weg, Paternoster |
Hopefield Openbare Biblioteek | Oak Straat, Hopefield |
St. Helenabaai, Openbare Biblioteek | Albertros Straat 2, St. Helenabaai |
Laingville Openbare Biblioteek | Strand Straat, St. Helenabaai |
Langebaan Openbare Biblioteek | h/v Oostewal & Breestraat, Langebaan |
Velddrif Openbare Biblioteek | Voortrekkerweg, Velddrif |
Kommentaar op en navrae rakende die Konsep OBR moet aan die Departement, soos hieronder aangedui, gerig word. Kommentaar moet die Departement nie later as 15 Februarie 2021 bereik nie.
Wes-Kaapse Departement van Omgewingsake en Ontwikkelingsbeplanning
Kontakpersone: Liza Petersen/Vuyani Zuma
Adres: Privaatsak X9186, Kaapstad, 8000
Tel: 021 483 4247 / 021 483 2790
E-pos: /
Isaziso seNkqubo yokuThatha iNxaxheba koLuntu
Uyaziswa ukuba uYilo lweNkqubo-sikhokelo yoLawulo lokusiNgqongileyo (uYilo lwe-EMF) loMmandla oyiGreater Saldanha, lwenziwe ngokweCandelo lesi-5, iSahluko sama-24 (2) (b) (c) no (3) loMthetho weSizwe woLawulo lokusiNgqongileyo, we-1998 (UmThetho oyiNombolo ye-107 we-1998) (iNEMA), uyafumaneka xa ufuna unika izimvo.
Uyilo lwe-EMF luya kubekwa kwindawo kawonke-wonke ukuze luphononongwe kwaye kuhlomlwe ukususela ngomhla wama-15 kweyoMdumba wama-2021 kude kube ngumhla we-15 kweyoMdumba wana-2021. Iikopi ze-elektroniki zolu xwebhu ziya kufumaneka kwiwebhusayithi yeSebe kule dilesi: http://eadp.westerncape.gov.za/ .Iikopi ezingamaphepha zoYilo lwe-EMF ziya kwenziwa zifumaneke kwezi ndawo zilandelayo:
Indawo | Idilesi |
Ithala Leencwadi Loluntu laseVredenburg | Isitalato i2 Academic, eVredenburg |
Ithala Leencwadi Loluntu laseSaldanha | Isakhiwo sikaMasipala, Isitalato iBerg, eSaldanha |
Ithala Leencwadi Loluntu lasePaternoster | St Augustine’s Way, ePaternoster |
Ithala Leencwadi Loluntu laseHopefield | Isitalato iOak, eHopefield |
Ithala Leencwadi Loluntu laseSt Helena Bay | 2 Albertros, eSt Helena Bay |
Ithala Leencwadi Loluntu laseLaingville | Isitalato iStrand, eSt Helena Bay |
Ithala Leencwadi Loluntu laseLangebaan | Izitalato ic/o Oostewal neBree , eLangebaan |
Ithala Leencwadi Loluntu laseVelddrif | Indlela iVoortrekker, eVelddrif |
Amagqabantshintshi okanye imibuzo malunga noYilo lwe-EMF mayithunyelwe kwiSebe njengoko kubonisiwe ngezantsi. Izimvo kufuneka zifike kwiSebe ungadlulanga umhla we-15 kweyoMdumba wama-2021.
ISebe leMicimbi yeNdalo noCwagciso loPhuhliso leNtshona Kapa
Abantu ekuqhagamshelwana nabo: Liza Petersen / Vuyani Zuma
Idilesi: Private Bag X9186, eKapa, 8000
Inombolo yomnxeba: (021) 483 4247 / (021) 483 2790
I-imeyile: /