Dear Registered Interested and Affected Party (IAP),
You are hereby notified of the Competent Authority’s decision regarding the proposed OTMS Crude Oil Pipeline System and Jetty Expansion at Saldanha, Western Cape. The Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning granted an Environmental Authorisation (EA) for the proposed installation of two pipelines for the transportation of dangerous goods, the expansion of a jetty and associated infrastructure, Saldanha Bay. pipeline on 26 September 2018, (Ref. No: 16/3/3/2/F4/17/3032/18). Please find the EA below for your information.
Should any party wish to appeal any aspect of this decision, an appeal must be lodged with the Appeal Administrator within 20 (twenty) calendar days from receiving this EA notice. (The appeal period will, therefore, be applicable from 07 March 2019 to, and including, 27 March 2019).
Your attention is drawn to Section G. APPEALS, on page 10 of 21 regarding the attached EA, which provides the appeal procedure to be followed. Any appeal must be submitted, in writing, including an electronic copy per e-mail, to the Appeal Administrator. A copy of the appeal must also be sent to the EA holder; the authorities; organs of state; the environmental assessment practitioner; and all registered IAPs. (A copy of the appeal will be forwarded to the entire project IAP database by the environmental assessment practitioner.)
Details of the Appeal Administrator and Environmental Assessment Practitioner provided below:
Appeal Administrator:
Mr. Jaap de Villiers
Western Cape Ministry of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and
Development Planning
Tel: 021 483 3721
Environmental Assessment Practitioner:
Ms. Liezel Hattingh
WorleyParsons RSA (Pty) Ltd. trading as Advisian
Tel: 011 218 3000 / 010 593 3937
By post: Private Bag X9186, Cape Town, 8000
By facsimile: (021) 483 4174
By hand: Room 809, 8th Floor Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, 8001
By e-mail:
WorleyParsons RSA – Cape Town Office,
By hand: 31 Allen Drive, Loevenstein, Cape Town, 7530
By e-mail:
A prescribed appeal form, as well as assistance regarding the appeal processes, are obtainable from the office of the Minister at Tel: (021) 483 3721,
E-mail: or URL: http://www.westerncape.gov.za/eadp
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any enquiries.
Kind regards,
Liezel Hattingh
Environmental Consultant
31 Allen Dr, Loevenstein, Bellville | Cape Town 7530
O +27(0)11 218 3000 | D +27(0)10 593 3937