Trustees and I&AP: The decision to dump chemicals in the open seas of the West Coast has been overturned. Please note that DFFE approval has been given for the NS Qingdao to unload waste cargo at the Multi-Purpose Quay in the Port of Saldanha under specialist supervision. The waste removal company, Spill Tech, will be responsible for the offloading process.
No dates of other information have been supplied by TNPA.
Users of the bay, especially the aquaculture industry, must take note. Fertiliser chemicals will be off loaded in small bay, Saldanha.
Groete / Regards
Christo van Wyk
The Saldanha Bay Water Quality Forum Trust
Telephone: (022) 714 3367
Cell: 082- 376 8529
Website: sbwqft.org.za
27 January 2022
Previous correspondence:
To: Quentin Kordom Transnet National Ports Authority SLD
Cc: Ethel Coetzee Transnet National Port Authority Saldanha; ; Marlon Saayman Transnet National Ports Authority SLD
Subject: RE: NS Qingdao – Offloading of unstable chemicals in Port of Saldanha
“External email: Open with Caution”
NS Qingdao – Offloading of unstable chemicals in Port of Saldanha
27 January 2022
Good day Quentin
It came to the attention of the SBWQFT that NS Qingdao will be docked in Saldanha Port soon and hazardous unstable chemicals (fertilizer mix) on board off loaded in Small Bay side of the Port. We would like to ascertain ourselves of the facts surrounding the operation and risks associated to inform our clients accordingly.
As you are aware the aquaculture industry is heavily dependant on good water quality, as well as various processing plants that use sea water in their processes.
It would be greatly appreciated if TNPA could have an open communication channel with the industry and affected parties, using the bay and that are dependent on the water quality in the bay. We would like to understand the risks involved during offloading such unstable material, time frames when this operation is planned for and the mitigation measures in place to ensure safe offloading and disposal of the unstable chemicals.
Groete / Regards
Christo van Wyk
The Saldanha Bay Water Quality Forum Trust
Telephone: (022) 714 3367
Cell: 082- 376 8529
Website: sbwqft.org.za