Bacterial activity varied throughout the catchment, with highest activity around the southern catchment from Hoedjies Bay to Bok River, which poses a concern for full contact recreation.
Bacterial activity varied throughout the catchment, with the highest activity around southern catchment from Hoedjies Bay to Bok River and at one point in the Lagoon at Kraalbaai south which pose a concern for full […]
Bacterial activity is low through-out the southern catchment, with some bacterial counts through-out Small Bay (Saldanha area), with the highest counts measured at the Bok River outflow, results, in general, indicates that the water is […]
Bacterial activity is low through-out the southern catchment, with a real increase in E.coli counts in Small Bay (Saldanha area) at Small Craft Harbor, Government Jetty, Pepper Bay(Southern Seaside), Saldanha Resort and Bok River outflow, […]
Bacterial activity is low through-out the catchment, with a slight increase at Pepper Bay, results, in general, indicates that the water is fit for full-contact recreational use in the catchment. All the best to all […]
Bacterial activity is low through-out the catchment, with increased counts at Saldanha Resort, Bok River Outflow and Pearly’s. Results, in general, indicate that the water is fit for full-contact recreational use in the catchment. Reminder: […]
The bacterial activity was low throughout the catchment, with a slight increase at Bok River Outflow, results, in general, indicates that the water is fit for full-contact recreational use in catchment.
The bacterial activity was a bit higher throughout the catchment due to the July rain events that occurred with an exception at Hoedjies Bay sample point where high counts were measured, results, in general, indicates […]
The bacterial activity was low throughout the catchment, results, in general, indicates that the water is fit for full-contact recreational use in the catchment.