Analyses indicate some bacterial activity, especially in the northern section of the catchment but not at levels that should pose a risk for swimmers and other bay users. These monitoring results indicate that the water is fit […]
Analyses indicate some bacterial activity, especially in the northern section of the catchment but not at levels that should pose a risk for swimmers and other bay users. These monitoring results indicate that the water is fit […]
Analyses indicate some bacterial activity, especially in the northern section of the catchment with really high counts at Hoejies Bay, the other analysis indicate non-critical levels to very low. These monitoring results indicate that the […]
Analyses indicate some bacterial activity, especially in the northern section of the catchment with really high counts at Hoejies Bay, the other analysis indicate non-critical levels to very low. These monitoring results indicate that the […]
Analyses indicate some bacterial activity, especially in the northern section of the catchment with really high counts at Hoejies Bay, the other analysis indicate non critical levels to very low. These monitoring results indicate that […]